which proves that x->ux (which is obviously linear) is continuous, and
u-»ui$ an isometry of JS?(E, F; G) into & (E; 56 (F; G)). Finally u-+u is
surjective, for if ve^(E; £?(F; G)), then u: (x, y)-^ (v(x))(y) is obviously
bilinear, and as ||(»(*))GOII < K*)ll • Ibll <IN ' IMI • Ibll by (5.7.4), u is
continuous, and t?(x) = ux, which ends the proof.

By induction on w, it follows that «S?(El9 E2, ..., EM; F) can be naturally
identified (with conservation of the norm) to

1. Let E be the space (c0) of Banach, defined in Section 5.3, Problem 5; we keep the nota-
tions of that problem. Let u be a continuous linear mapping of E into R; if u(en) = rjn ,
show that the series £77,, is absolutely convergent, and that, in the Banach space E' =

co n
JSf(E; R), \\u\\ = £ \f)n\ (apply (5.5.1 ) for suitable values of x e E). Conversely, for any
absolutely convergent series (rjn) of real numbers, there is one and only one continuous

linear mapping u of E into R such that u(en) = r)n for every n\ and if x = ]T £nen e E,
oo n = 0
then u(x) = V ringn (the space E', with the norm defined above, is the "space 71 " of
n = 0
(b) As a vector space (without a norm) E' can be considered as a subspace of E; show
that the norm on E' is strictly finer (Section 5.6) than the restriction to E' of the norm

(c) Show that the space E" = J5?(E' ; R) of the continuous linear mappings of E' into R
can be identified with the space of all bounded sequences x — (£„) of real numbers, with
norm \\x\\ = sup |£n| ("space /°° " of Banach; use the same method as in (a)). E can be

considered as a closed subspace of E".
(d) In the space E', let P be the subset of all absolutely convergent series u = (rjn)
with terms 77,, ^ 0; any element of Ex can be written u — v, where both u and v are in P;
yet show that the interior of the set P is empty.

2. (a) Let E be the space (c0) of Banach, and let U be a continuous linear mapping of E
into itself. With the notations of Problem 1, let £7 (<?n) = £ amnem ; show that: (1)
m = 0
oo oo
lim amn — 0; (2) the series ]£ |amn| is convergent for every m; (3) sup 2 la"»»l is finite.
m-»oo »»0 m ns=0
(Same method as in Problem 1 (a).) Prove the converse, and show that the Banach space
; E) can be identified with the space of double sequences (7= (awn) satisfying the

preceding conditions, with the norm \\U\\ = sup £ \<xmn\.
m n = Q
(b) Let E' be the space I1 of Banach (Problem 1). Show similarly that the Banach
space JSf(E'; E') can be identified with the space of double sequences C/— (amn) such

co co
that: (1) the series ]£ |anm| is convergent for every n; (2) sup ]£ \amn\ is finite; the
m=sO » m = 0
norm is then equal to ||C/|| = sup 2 l#mn|-